Album Cover


by T.M.Revolution


Release date August 12, 2004

INVOKE by T.M.Revolution Album Cover



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擦れ違い急ぐたびに ぶつけ合い散切れ合う 互いの羽根の傷み 感じている 淋しさに汚れた 腕で抱いた それ以外の何かを 知らないから 繋がる瞬間 目醒める永遠 待ち焦がれる 速過ぎる時の 瞬きに晒されて 独りでは 届かない 願いなんて 消えそうなコトバじゃ 辿り着けない じっと瞳を懲らしても 見失ってしまう星 誰のものにもならない 光がある 口唇 確かめる 生命の灯が 思い詰めたように 眩しいから 愛が先なのか 壊すのが先か 惑わされる 絡み合う熱の 伝えたい真実を 誰から 守ればいい? キミがいつか 欲しがった想いが そこにあるなら... 速過ぎる時の 瞬きに晒されて 独りでは 届かない 願いなんて 消えそうなコトバじゃ 絡み合う熱の 伝えたい真実を 誰から 守ればいい? ここでいつか 欲しがった想いが キミにあるから...

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English (United States):


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Every time we rush past each other Colliding and scattering Feeling the pain in each other's wings Tainted with loneliness Embraced with dirty arms Because I don't know Anything else but that The moment we connect Awakens an eternity Longing for it Exposed to the blink Of time rushing too fast Alone, unable to reach Any wishes Words that seem to disappear Won't lead us there Even if I sternly discipline my eyes I'll lose sight of the stars That light, which doesn't belong to anyone Is there Confirming with lips The light of life Is dazzling As if pondered heavily Is love ahead Or destruction ahead It confuses me The entwined heat The truth I want to convey Who should I protect it from? If the feelings you once Desired are there... Exposed to the blink Of time rushing too fast Alone, unable to reach Any wishes Words that seem to disappear The entwined heat The truth I want to convey Who should I protect it from? Because the feelings You once desired are here With you...

About the Song "INVOKE" by T.M.Revolution

"INVOKE" is a popular song by T.M.Revolution, released in August 12, 2004. This track, featured on the album "UNDER:COVER 2", has captured the attention of fans around the world for its unique lyrics and musical composition.

On this page, you'll find the original lyrics to "INVOKE" alongside a full translation in English (United States). Whether you are a fan of T.M.Revolution or exploring new music, this translation provides a deep understanding of the song's meaning across languages.

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