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Cita en el Quirófano


Para Ti Con Desprecio

Release date May 21, 2005

Cita en el Quirófano by PXNDX Album Cover



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Si tan solo pudieras entender Mil veces te lo explicaré otra vez Eres tan buena pretendiendo que estás bien Evitar palabras de más, excusas inventar Poderte tocar, no puedo parar Te juro que yo no puedo parar Si "hola" no te hubiera dicho yo Jamás tendríamos que decir adiós No me mereces, yo soy mucho para tu corazón Esta discusión a nada llegará Pues no haces ni el mínimo esfuerzo Déjame (¡déjame!), déjame opinar Tenemos una cita en el quirófano Vendrá el doctor, me aplicará cirugía Me sacará el corazón, trasplante de corazón Ahí te va mi dolor Mentiras dijiste, sabe por qué Es algo que siempre he querido saber Inventaré algún castigo para hacerte sufrir Las cosas no se van a quedar así Permíteme hacerte sufrir, por favor Pues no existe el amor Tenemos una cita en el quirófano Vendrá el doctor, me aplicará cirugía Me sacará el corazón, trasplante de corazón Ahí te va mi dolor Róbame el dolor Quiero que sepas qué se siente Para que me pidas perdón (¡perdón!) Tenemos una cita en el quirófano Vendrá el doctor, me aplicará cirugía Me sacará el corazón, trasplante de corazón Ahí te va mi dolor (¡dolor!) Trasplante de corazón Ahí te va mi dolor

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If only you could understand A thousand times I'll explain it to you again You're so good pretending that you're fine Avoiding unnecessary words, making up excuses Being able to touch you, I can't stop I swear I can't stop If I hadn't said "hello" We would never have to say goodbye You don't deserve me, I'm too much for your heart This argument will lead nowhere Since you don't make the slightest effort Let me (let me!), let me speak We have an appointment in the operating room The doctor will come, apply surgery on me He'll take out my heart, heart transplant There goes my pain You told lies, you know why It's something I've always wanted to know I'll invent some punishment to make you suffer Things won't stay like this Let me make you suffer, please Because love doesn't exist We have an appointment in the operating room The doctor will come, apply surgery on me He'll take out my heart, heart transplant There goes my pain Steal my pain I want you to know how it feels So you ask me for forgiveness (forgiveness!) We have an appointment in the operating room The doctor will come, apply surgery on me He'll take out my heart, heart transplant There goes my pain (pain!) Heart transplant There goes my pain

About the Song "Cita en el Quirófano" by PXNDX

"Cita en el Quirófano" is a popular song by PXNDX, released in May 21, 2005. This track, featured on the album "Para Ti Con Desprecio", has captured the attention of fans around the world for its unique lyrics and musical composition.

On this page, you'll find the original lyrics to "Cita en el Quirófano" alongside a full translation in English (United States). Whether you are a fan of PXNDX or exploring new music, this translation provides a deep understanding of the song's meaning across languages.

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