by Frank Wildhorn, Jack Murphy and Ivan Menchell (Ft. Carrie Manolakos & Eric Anderson)
Release date Unknown
Look at how they crawl around
Upon the ground
Like little ants
Yes, but how they fascinate
Confusing fate
With what is merely chance
Isn’t it a laugh?
Isn’t it a shame?
Thinking there is someone in Heaven to blame
Yes, but even while blaming fate for the lives that they lead
They hope for the lives that they need
Living every day ‘til the day they die
Never getting answers
Yet still asking why
Going through the motions as if there will be a reward
While we stay eternally bored!
They’re only human
They don’t see
Who they are is who they’ll always be
Only human, after all
So they push and they shove
With this thing they call love
‘Til they fall!
Isn’t it a farce?
Isn’t it a waste?
Struggling to face what can never be faced
Yes, but maybe death can release something more than we share
I really don’t know and don’t care
They’re only human
Standing still
Doomed to live pushing boulders uphill
Only human, after all
So they give and they take
Hoping someone will help break their fall
They will pray, curse, live, die
Never knowing their truth is another man’s lie
Eat, sleep, love, hate
Like a leaf blowing in the wind
Watch them all vacillate!
They’re only human
They can’t see
All the years they could give you and me
Only human, after all
So they give and we take
‘Til their silly hearts break
Looking down from above
I’m intrigued by their love
So let’s call!
Hmmm, let’s call!
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[Pogledajte, kako se plazijo okoli Na tleh Kot majhne mravlje] [Da, vendar kako so fascinantni Zmedejo usodo Z zgolj naključjem] [Ali ni smešno?] [Ali ni škoda?] [Mislim, da mislijo, da je nekdo v nebesih za krivdo] [Vendar tudi obtožujejo usodo za življenja, ki jih vodijo Upajo pa na življenja, ki jih potrebujejo] [Živijo vsak dan do dne, ko umrejo Nikoli ne dobijo odgovorov A vseeno sprašujejo sebe, zakaj Se gibljejo kot da bo nagrada] [Medtem ko mi ostajamo večno dolgočasni!] [So samo ljudje Ne vidijo Kdor so, takšni bodo vedno ostali Samo ljudje, vseeno] [Torej potiskajo in porivajo S to stvarjo, ki ji pravijo ljubezen] [Do padca!] [Ali ni to farsa?] [Ali ni to zapravljanje? [Borba, da bi se soočili s tem, čemur ne more biti soočen] [Toda morda smrt lahko sprosti nekaj več kot delimo] [Res ne vem in me ne zanima] [So samo ljudje Stojijo mirno Obsojeni živeti, potiskati skale navkreber Samo ljudje, vseeno] [Torej dajejo in jemljejo Upajoč, da jim bo kdo pomagal, da se ne bodo spotaknili] [Molili bodo, prekleli, živeli, umrli Nikoli ne bodo spoznali, da je njihova resnica laž drugega človeka] [Jedli, spali, ljubili, sovražili Kot list, ki ga veter nosi] [Opazujte jih vse drgetati!] [So samo ljudje Ne vidijo] [Vsa leta, ki bi jih lahko dali tebi in meni] [Samo ljudje, vseeno] [In tako dajejo in mi jemljemo Dokler njihova bedna srca ne počijo] [Pogled od zgoraj Zanima me njihova ljubezen] [Zato pokličimo! Hmmm, pokličimo!]
"They’re Only Human" is a popular song by Frank Wildhorn, Jack Murphy and Ivan Menchell (Ft. Carrie Manolakos & Eric Anderson), released in Unknown. This track, featured on the album "Death Note: The Musical", has captured the attention of fans around the world for its unique lyrics and musical composition.
On this page, you'll find the original lyrics to "They’re Only Human" alongside a full translation in slovenščina. Whether you are a fan of Frank Wildhorn, Jack Murphy and Ivan Menchell (Ft. Carrie Manolakos & Eric Anderson) or exploring new music, this translation provides a deep understanding of the song's meaning across languages.
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