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Ishq (From ”Lost;Found”)

by Faheem Abdullah & Rauhan Malik

Faheem Abdullah

Release date March 9, 2024

Ishq (From ”Lost;Found”) by Faheem Abdullah & Rauhan Malik Album Cover



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میں "آ" لکھوں، تُو آ جائے میں "بیٹھ" لکھوں، تُو آ بیٹھے میرے شانے پر سر رکھے تُو میں "نیند" کہوں، تُو سو جائے میں "آ" لکھوں، تُو آ جائے میں "بیٹھ" لکھوں، تُو آ بیٹھے میرے شانے پر سر رکھے تُو میں "نیند" کہوں، تُو سو جائے چل آ، اک ایسی نظم کہوں جو لفظ کہوں وہ ہو جائے میں "دل" لکھوں، تُو دل تھامے میں "گم" لکھوں، وہ کھو جائے میں آہ بھروں، تُو ہائے کرے "بے چین" لکھوں، بے چین ہو تُو پھر بے چینی کا "بے" کاٹوں تجھے چین ذرا سا ہو جائے ابھی عین لکھوں، تُو سوچے مجھے پھر شین لکھوں، تیری نیند اڑے جب قاف لکھوں، تجھے کچھ کچھ ہو میں "عشق" لکھوں، تجھے ہو جائے ازٕ روزوٗ سانے، دِلبَر میٚانے، دِلبَر میٚانے بوزوٗ نُنٛدبانے، دِلبَر میٚانے، دِلبَر میٚانے ازٕ روزوٗ سانے، دِلبَر میٚانے، دِلبَر میٚانے بوزوٗ نُنٛدبانے، دِلبَر میٚانے، دِلبَر میٚانے

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I write "come," and you arrive I write "sit," and you sit You lay your head on my chest I say "sleep," and you doze off I write "come," and you arrive I write "sit," and you sit You lay your head on my chest I say "sleep," and you doze off Come, let me recite a verse Whatever words I utter, let them come true I write "heart," and you hold it I write "lost," and you find it I sigh, and you sigh too I write "restless," and you become restless Then I erase the "restlessness" And you find a little peace I write now, you read my mind Then I write "desire," and your sleep vanishes When I write "longing," you feel something I write "love," and you fall for it From the days of youth, in my heart In the pangs of separation, in my heart From the days of youth, in my heart In the pangs of separation, in my heart

About the Song "Ishq (From ”Lost;Found”)" by Faheem Abdullah & Rauhan Malik

"Ishq (From ”Lost;Found”)" is a popular song by Faheem Abdullah & Rauhan Malik, released in March 9, 2024. This track, featured on the album "Faheem Abdullah", has captured the attention of fans around the world for its unique lyrics and musical composition.

On this page, you'll find the original lyrics to "Ishq (From ”Lost;Found”)" alongside a full translation in English. Whether you are a fan of Faheem Abdullah & Rauhan Malik or exploring new music, this translation provides a deep understanding of the song's meaning across languages.

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